A preprint is a scientific manuscript that authors post on an open platform (usually before or in parallel with the journal's peer review process). GitData Archive is an open access online archive and service for preprints.
The purpose of GitData Archive is to increase the openness and accessibility of scientific results, increase collaboration among researchers, document the origins of ideas, and inform ongoing and planned research through more timely reporting of completed studies.
By posting preprints on GitData Archive, authors have the opportunity to instantly familiarize the scientific community with the results of their research and receive feedback from colleagues before publication in the journal.
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Available Subjects
- Animal Behavior and Cognition: Studies the behavior and cognitive processes of animals.
- Biochemistry: Focuses on the chemical processes and substances occurring within living organisms.
- Bioengineering: Applies principles of engineering to biological systems.
- Bioinformatics: Involves the use of software tools to manage biological data.
- Biophysics: Explores the physical principles underlying biological processes.
- Cancer Biology: Studies the mechanisms of cancer development and progression.
- Cell Biology: Focuses on the structure and function of cells.
- Clinical Trials: Conducts research to evaluate medical, surgical, or behavioral interventions.
- Developmental Biology: Studies the processes by which organisms grow and develop.
- Ecology: Examines the relationships between organisms and their environment.
- Epidemiology: Investigates the distribution and determinants of health-related states in specified populations.
- Evolutionary Biology: Studies the processes that drive the evolution of species.
- Genetics: Focuses on the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in organisms.
- Genomics: Involves the study of the complete genetic material of an organism.
- Immunology: Studies the immune system and its response to pathogens.
- Microbiology: Focuses on the study of microorganisms.
- Molecular Biology: Studies the molecular basis of biological activity.
- Neuroscience: Investigates the nervous system and its functions.
- Paleontology: Studies ancient life through fossils.
- Pathology: Focuses on the diagnosis and study of diseases.
- Pharmacology and Toxicology: Studies the effects of drugs and toxins on biological systems.
- Physiology: Examines the functions of living organisms and their parts.
- Plant Biology: Focuses on the study of plant life.
- Scientific Communication and Education: Involves the dissemination of scientific knowledge and education.
- Synthetic Biology: Designs and constructs new biological parts, devices, and systems.
- Systems Biology: Studies the interactions within biological systems.
- Zoology: Focuses on the study of animals.
Computer Science
- Artificial Intelligence: Focuses on the creation of intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.
- Computation and Language: Involves the study of natural language processing and computational linguistics.
- Computational Complexity: Studies the inherent difficulty of computational problems and the computational resources required to solve them.
- Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science: Applies computational methods to engineering, finance, and scientific problems.
- Computational Geometry: Focuses on the design and analysis of algorithms for solving geometric problems.
- Computer Science and Game Theory: Explores the intersection of computer science and game theory, including mechanism design and learning in games.
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Involves the development of algorithms that can interpret and understand visual information.
- Computers and Society: Examines the social and ethical implications of computing.
- Cryptography and Security: Focuses on the design and analysis of secure communication systems.
- Data Structures and Algorithms: Studies the organization, management, and retrieval of data.
- Databases: Involves the design, implementation, and management of databases.
- Digital Libraries: Focuses on the creation, management, and use of digital libraries.
- Discrete Mathematics: Studies the mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete.
- Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing: Focuses on the use of multiple computers to solve complex problems.
- Emerging Technologies: Explores new and developing technologies.
- Formal Languages and Automata Theory: Studies the formal definitions of languages and the machines that recognize them.
- General Literature: Covers general topics in computer science.
- Graphics: Focuses on the creation and manipulation of visual content.
- Hardware Architecture: Involves the design and implementation of computer hardware.
- Human-Computer Interaction: Studies the design and use of computer technology, focusing on the interfaces between people and computers.
- Information Retrieval: Focuses on the organization, storage, and retrieval of information.
- Information Theory: Studies the quantification, storage, and communication of information.
- Logic in Computer Science: Applies formal logic to computer science.
- Machine Learning: Focuses on the development of algorithms that allow computers to learn from data.
- Mathematical Software: Involves the development of software for mathematical computations.
- Multiagent Systems: Studies systems composed of multiple interacting agents.
- Multimedia: Focuses on the integration of multiple forms of media.
- Networking and Internet Architecture: Studies the design and implementation of computer networks.
- Neural and Evolutionary Computing: Focuses on computational models inspired by the brain and evolutionary processes.
- Numerical Analysis: Studies the development of algorithms for solving mathematical problems.
- Operating Systems: Involves the management of computer hardware and software resources.
- Other Computer Science: Covers other topics in computer science not listed above.
- Performance: Focuses on the evaluation and improvement of computer system performance.
- Programming Languages: Studies the design, implementation, and analysis of programming languages.
- Robotics: Focuses on the design, construction, and operation of robots.
- Social and Information Networks: Studies the structure and dynamics of social and information networks.
- Software Engineering: Involves the application of engineering principles to the development of software.
- Sound: Focuses on the processing and analysis of sound signals.
- Symbolic Computation: Involves the manipulation of mathematical symbols and expressions.
- Systems and Control: Focuses on the control of dynamic systems.
Data Science
- Applications: Covers the application of data science in various fields.
- Computation: Focuses on the computational aspects of data science.
- Machine Learning: Involves the development and application of machine learning algorithms.
- Methodology: Focuses on the methodologies used in data science.
- Other Statistics: Covers other statistical topics not listed above.
- Statistics Theory: Focuses on the theoretical aspects of statistics.
- Econometrics: Applies statistical methods to economic data to test hypotheses and forecast future trends.
- General Economics: Covers general topics in economics.
- Theoretical Economics: Focuses on the theoretical aspects of economics.
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
- Audio and Speech Processing: Focuses on the processing of audio and speech signals.
- Image and Video Processing: Involves the processing and analysis of images and video signals.
- Signal Processing: Focuses on the analysis and manipulation of signals.
- Systems and Control: Involves the design and analysis of control systems.
- Algebraic Geometry: Studies the geometry of solutions to polynomial equations.
- Algebraic Topology: Uses tools from abstract algebra to study topological spaces.
- Analysis of PDEs: Focuses on the study of partial differential equations.
- Category Theory: Studies the common structure of mathematical objects and their transformations.
- Classical Analysis and ODEs: Focuses on the study of classical analysis and ordinary differential equations.
- Combinatorics: Studies discrete structures and their properties.
- Commutative Algebra: Focuses on the study of commutative rings and their ideals.
- Complex Variables: Studies functions of complex variables.
- Differential Geometry: Studies the geometry of smooth shapes and spaces.
- Dynamical Systems: Focuses on the long-term behavior of evolving systems.
- Functional Analysis: Studies vector spaces endowed with limit-related structures and the linear operators acting upon these spaces.
- General Mathematics: Covers general topics in mathematics.
- General Topology: Studies the basic concepts and constructions of topology.
- Geometric Topology: Focuses on the study of manifolds and their embeddings.
- Group Theory: Studies the algebraic structures known as groups.
- History and Overview: Covers the history and overview of mathematical developments.
- Information Theory: Studies the quantification, storage, and communication of information.
- K-Theory and Homology: Studies algebraic invariants of topological spaces.
- Logic: Focuses on the study of formal logic and its applications in mathematics.
- Mathematical Physics: Applies mathematical methods to problems in physics.
- Metric Geometry: Studies geometric properties of metric spaces.
- Number Theory: Focuses on the properties and relationships of numbers, especially integers.
- Numerical Analysis: Studies algorithms for the problems of continuous mathematics.
- Operator Algebras: Studies algebras of operators on Hilbert spaces.
- Optimization and Control: Focuses on the optimization of systems and control theory.
- Probability: Studies the analysis of random phenomena.
- Quantum Algebra: Focuses on algebraic structures inspired by quantum mechanics.
- Representation Theory: Studies how algebraic structures can be represented as linear transformations of vector spaces.
- Rings and Algebras: Focuses on the study of rings and algebras.
- Spectral Theory: Studies the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of linear operators.
- Statistics Theory: Focuses on the theoretical aspects of statistics.
- Symplectic Geometry: Studies the geometry of symplectic manifolds.
- Astrophysics: Studies the physics of the universe, including stars, galaxies, and the cosmos.
- Codensed Matter: Focuses on the physical properties of condensed phases of matter.
- General Physics: Covers general topics in physics.
- General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology: Studies the theory of general relativity and its implications for cosmology.
- High Energy Physics - Experiment: Focuses on experimental research in high energy physics.
- High Energy Physics - Lattice: Studies high energy physics using lattice models.
- High Energy Physics - Phenomenology: Focuses on the phenomenological aspects of high energy physics.
- High Energy Physics - Theory: Studies theoretical aspects of high energy physics.
- Mathematical Physics: Applies mathematical methods to problems in physics.
- Nonlinear Sciences: Studies systems that are nonlinear, meaning their behavior cannot be described as a sum of their parts.
- Nuclear Experiment: Focuses on experimental research in nuclear physics.
- Nuclear Theory: Studies theoretical aspects of nuclear physics.
- Quantum Physics: Focuses on the principles and applications of quantum mechanics.
Quantitative Finance
- Computational Finance: Focuses on the development and application of computational methods in finance.
- Economics: Studies the economic principles underlying financial markets.
- General Finance: Covers general topics in finance.
- Mathematical Finance: Applies mathematical methods to financial problems.
- Portfolio Management: Focuses on the management of investment portfolios.
- Pricing of Securities: Studies the pricing of financial securities.
- Risk Management: Focuses on the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks.
- Statistical Finance: Applies statistical methods to financial data.
- Trading and Market Microstructure: Studies the mechanisms and processes of trading in financial markets.