
Last update: 2024/01/06

Submit a New Preprint

A preprint can be posted on GitData Archive in preliminary or final form, provided that all its authors have consented to the preprint's publication. Only GitData members can initiate the publication process. Posting a preprint is free at the page Submit a new preprint to GitData Archive.

GitData Archive is a source of scientific information and cannot be used for distributing news, advertisements, or political statements. All materials uploaded to GitData Archive undergo pre-moderation. Preprints with offensive and/or non-scientific content, as well as materials posing a threat to people's lives and health, are not published. Preprints are not peer-reviewed. A preprint can be submitted for posting in PDF format. No publication priority is established for submitted preprints. Access to preprints is free.

Update an Existing Preprint

To replace a previously published preprint, upload the updated version at the page Update a preprint on GitData Archive. After the update, the updated version of the preprint will be displayed by default, and the version number and publication date will be indicated on the preprint's information page. All previously uploaded versions of the preprint will be available for viewing.

Preprint Review Timeframe

A preprint becomes available on GitData Archive within 30 minutes after submission. All timestamps on GitData Archive are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Language of Publication

GitData Archive publishes preprints English only.

Plagiarism Check

Preprints submitted to the GitData Archive undergo a similarity check against our existing published preprints. Upon submission of a new preprint, the system automatically compares the abstract of the user's paper with the abstracts of all preprints already published on GitData Archive's server. If the similarity exceeds 65% with any other preprint, the user will be unable to submit the paper. It is important to note that while we strive for originality, we cannot guarantee 100% uniqueness for all preprints.

How Can Published Preprints Be Used?

Information about the license of preprint distribution is available on each preprint's page.

Can I Publish a Preprint on Other Preprint Servers Besides GitData Archive?

We recommend that authors only post their preprints on GitData Archive for easier version control.

Can I Make Changes to My Preprint or Correct Errors?

Changes can be made to a preprint at any time before it is published. If modifications are necessary in an already published version of the preprint or if errors need correction, kindly send a request along with the corrected information to . We will reply in 48 hours.

User Data

Names and email addresses, as well as other user data entered on the GitData Archive website, will not be provided to other individuals and organizations.